Friday, June 13, 2014

Info Post

<img scr="http://etcsoftwares.blogspot.com/" alt="alter text" title="PC Tips" />


1. Uninstall unused programs by clicking "Start" > "Control Panel" > "Programs" > "Programs and Features." Pick a program and click "Uninstall" to remove the file from your hard drive and free up disk space.

2. Empty your recycling bin by double-clicking on the "Recycling Bin" icon on your desktop. Click "File" > "Empty Recycling Bin."

 3. Run disk cleanup by clicking "Start" and then "My Computer." Right-click on the drive where you want to delete unused temporary files. Click "Properties" > the "General Tab" > "Disk Cleanup." Check off the boxes next to the files you want to remove. Click "OK" > "Yes" > "OK."

  4. Run the disk defragmenter by clicking "Start" > "All Programs" > "Accessories" > "System Tools" > "Disk Defragmenter." Click the drive you want to defragment and then click the "Defragment Disk" button.

  5. Run the error-checking utility by closing all open files and then clicking "Start" and then "My Computer." Right-click on the drive you want to check and click "Properties." Click the "Tools" tab and then the "Check Now" button. Select "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors" under the "Check Disk" dialog box.

  6. Desktop icons take up virtual memory space, which slows down the speed of your computer. Deleting unused desktop icons will give you more free virtual memory space and speed up your computer. Remove unused desktop icons by right-clicking on the desk top icon and clicking "Delete." Combining multiple desktop icons into one folder will also free up virtual memory space.

7. Change your desktop background by clicking "Start" > "Control Panel" > "Appearance and Themes" > "Display" > "Desktop." Click "None" in the background list to set your background to a solid color and free up virtual memory space.


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