Friday, June 13, 2014

Info Post

<img scr="http://etcsoftwares.blogspot.com/" alt="alter text" title="PC Tips" />

                                                Instruction :- 1

1.start>>Run >> Msconfig>>Select selective startup>>Startup tab>> uncheck services which you wont need (google out the service name, if you are unable to identify what a listed service does....)

right click my computer >>manage>>services>> stop unwanted services

2. keep minimum data on desktop

3. delete temp internet files and folders , right click internet explorer>>properties >>delete files, delete cookies

Start>>Programs >>Accessories>>System tools>>Disk cleanup

4. deltete files from c :\windows\temp
5. Defragment ur hard drive
right click dirve in my computer, properties, defragment tab

6. do a full anti virus scan

7. Spyware and adware scan using free spyware scanner 

                                                   Instruction :- 2

- Doing a disk De-fragment
- Doing a disk cleaning
- Keeping your computer virus and malware free ( viruses can slow down your computer)
Suggested: Avast / AVG / Bit-defender (any antivirus) and Malware bytes
- Registry cleaning (errors can also slow down your computer)
- Clearing your temporary files
- Not having a lot of programs (Uninstall all unusable programs)
 - Ccleaner is much more effective in this case.

You can follow any of the instructions described above.


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