Saturday, June 14, 2014

Info Post

<img scr="http://etcsoftwares.blogspot.com/" alt="alter text" title="Facebook tips" />
Today I will share with you a exclusive tip. There’s lot of people who are seeing your Facebook profile day by day. Now, you can see who have seen your Facebook profile.
Just follow the steps described below:

  1. Go into your “Facebook Profile”.
  2. Then Press “CTRL + U”. it will show you a new window.
  3. Click anywhere of that window.
  4. Then Press “CTRL + F”. You will notice a “SEARCH BOX” in a corner.
  5. Then Type “ordered_list.top_friends” in the “SEARCH BOX”
  6. Now Press “ENTER” and look for “ordered_list.top_friends”  in the window you typed.
  7. When you will find “ordered_list.top_friends” covered with color, notice at the left side of it and go just a little bit below. You will find several names. They have seen your Facebook profile.

Now you can easily see the people who have viewed your Facebook profile many times.

Hope you will enjoy it.


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